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Ecomotive at Autopromotec together with Federmetano

Thursday 26 May at 10 we will be guests of the Federmetano conference "Renewable natural gas: efficiency and sustainability in the transport sector", which will be held in Bologna on the occasion of Autopromotec, 29th International Biennial of automotive equipment and aftermarket - from 10 am , 00 at 12.30 at the Sala Madrigale of Bologna Fiere.

Biomethane - 100% renewable fuel, totally made in Italy and usable exactly like CNG of fossil origin, but with CO2 emissions equal to zero (calculated according to the "well to wheel" model), on every vehicle currently powered by natural gas without the need for engine modifications - it is able to satisfy multiple transport needs, from light to heavy transport over distances of thousands of km.

A ready-made solution, if we consider the more than 1,500 distributors - of which more than 100 of liquefied methane (LNG) - which already supply 30% biomethane today, capable of allowing the country to immediately achieve eco-compatible mobility. and to take an important step towards energy independence.

In this epochal challenge to which Italy is called to respond, in the face of the investments envisaged in the PNRR, an important role is played by the distribution and BioCNG power supply sectors.

Thanks to the recent intervention of the Government in support of the methane sector for automotive use to respond to the high prices, an intervention requested since last October by Federmetano and by the other associations of roadside natural gas distributors, the ecological nature of CNG / BioCNG is once again alongside a greater economic sustainability which currently allows consumers to return to saving.

The new BioCNG fueling technologies, such as those proposed by Ecomotive Solutions - associated reality Federmetano - determine a fundamental evolution for the transformation of vehicles, especially Hybrid ones: with dedicated and approved kits, surprising results have been obtained, such as a yield up to 36 km with one kg of methane.

Hybrid vehicles are, due to their construction characteristics, optimal for BioCNG fueling and guarantee considerable autonomy with a minimum footprint of the tanks used.