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An Ecomotive heart on the first two Italian dual fuel LNG buses delivered to Cotral

A tangible proof of sustainable mobility declined for Local Public Transport: Ecomotive Solutions' Diesel Dual Fuel technology is at the heart of the project that made it possible to deliver the first buses to Cotral, leader in European extra-urban transport (70 million pax / year) diesel converted to liquefied natural gas, first application in Italy and one of the first internationally.

A 'special mission' shared with BM Carrozzerie (with the support of the Cluster Lombardo Mobilità), which gained the attention of the EU by winning funding under the LIFE program.
Less diesel and more methane in the combustion chamber, with Ecomotive's proven dual fuel formula, with advantages from an economic and ecological point of view (soon even more relevant with zero-kilometer biomethane…). No loss of power and yield, significant reduction of emissions and consumption, reduction of greenhouse gases by up to 50%: a retrofit operation that also revitalizes older diesel engines, which in Italy represent a significant percentage in the Local Public Transport sector.